Chatham House, the renowned British Think Tank, has created a video competition for young people to create inspiring videos that bring attention to “explore ideas or actions which would make the world a better place for women around the world.” These one minute videos made by people 18-25 years old “should explain why it is important for all of us - regardless of gender - that the world becomes a better place for women and what you would do to make sure that it becomes that way.”
The winning video makers will be able to “join decision-makers from around the world in London to discuss gender equality at the 2017 Chatham House International Policy Forum on 10-11 July 2017.”
The winning video from the 2016 competition, by Jeeyoon Lee, can be seen here:
We look forward to seeing what the contestants come up with, hopefully creating not just a single great winner, but also a large number of motivational clips that make their way around the internet and get the message out to a large audience.
Quantum Leaps is proud to be a collaborator with Chatham House, who recently commissioned us to develop a case study on America’s success with a public-private partnership (PPP) model, based on our CEO’s involvement with that process while with Women Impacting Public Policy. We will be sure to share that case study with all of you when once it’s published.